Our core curriculum is guided by the Diocese of Venice and the Sunshine State Standards, however, we strive to exceed these standards. We measure our academic performance in a variety of ways including the TerraNova where our scores are compared to schools not just in Florida, but across the nation. St. Martha Catholic School students have consistently performed in the top 20% across the nation year after year.
St. Martha Catholic School utilizes a STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, Math) approach to education.
Students take core classes in Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Special Classes include Technology, Art, Music, Spanish, Library, and Physical Education.
Resource and Intervention Services are provided, and we have a Guidance Counselor on staff.
Students attend Mass weekly.
Our preschool students are welcomed at carline every morning by our staff. They are guided to their classroom where the teachers will help them acclimate and get ready for the day. Young students unpack their supplies for the day and when safely mingle until the bell rings to initiate the school day.
Every day of the week follows an easy routing that weaves in different subjects and special areas. Preschool students learn Math, Religion, LA, and their day is enriched with activities such as Art, Spanish, STREAM and Library.
Our youngest students enjoy outside time twice a day for 20 min recesses. Lunch is served in their classroom. These can be brought from home or ordered daily prior to 8:00 AM, via FACTS account.
Preschool Options: Full Day: 7:45 AM - 2:45 PM - Half Day: 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM / After School Option: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Elementary School
Our Elementary years run from Kindergarten to 5th grade. During this time we witness many milestones in our students. We are proud to partner with families in shaping children that are confident and fulfilled. During our first few years of school, between Kindergarten and 2nd grade, our curriculum focuses on learning the fundamentals in Math, LA, Reading, and Science.
Once children arrive in third, fourth, and fifth grades, the focus becomes more complex. Our Reading curriculum encourages students to understand content rather than identifying letters and words. Children become thinkers, expressing themselves, and creating great work on their own. One important aspect during these years is children’s ability to pay attention and to develop responsibility skills for success both at school and at home. Our active Elementary School-age children enjoy two recesses a day.
Middle School
Our Middle School (6th to 8th grades) focuses on developing our students' faith, moral values and character in service. Our rigorous academic program is evidenced year after year with our performance on the TerraNova tests. Sports options are also offered during this stage of their education. Sport options offered are: Soccer, Flag Football, Tennis, Volleyball, Basketball and Golf.

All students will take the following core courses: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Our specials classes include: Art, Music, Physical Education, Spanish, Library and Technology. All teachers are certified in their subject areas with all early childhood classes having a full or part time aide.
We take pride in our technology offerings for our students across the school. Each student in Middle School is assigned a personal touch-screen Chrome Book for the year.
Outdoor recess for this age-range is usually once a day for 20 minutes.
In addition to our standard curriculum, Middle School students choose from a wide variety of elective classes as well as having an opportunity to perform in our yearly School Musical.
Students must also complete a different number of service hours according to their grade level.
Core Courses
Our Kindergarten - 4th-grade students will take the following core courses: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Our specials classes include STREAM Art, Music, Physical Education, Spanish, Library, and Technology. All teachers are certified in their subject areas with all early childhood classes having a full or part-time aide.